Why Hire A Van For My Business? Surely, It’s Cheaper To Buy My Own?

If you run a business based in Manchester that means that you have to make regular deliveries of products or materials to your customers, it may well be that you need a van. Depending upon the type of products that you supply, and also their size, and how often you need to deliver, there could be several choices.

Some business owners will simply buy a van, tax it, insure it, and run it themselves. That may well be the right answer. However, in today’s climate, it may not be. It could be that you would be better off if you hire a van in Manchester rather than buy one.

To some people this comes as a bit of a surprise. Surely, hiring a van is expensive, isn’t it? Why would you hire one rather than own one?

As with many things, the answer starts with “It depends”. But in fact, you may well save money by hiring a van from us at T G Commercials Self Drive rather than buying your own.


A Pound Saved Is A Pound Pure Profit

Just to begin with, every pound that you save on overheads is another pound pure profit. If you buy your own van, you have the cost of purchase. You may pay a lump sum out of your own bank, but businesses often finance a loan and pay monthly. Certainly, you don’t have to pay cash up front, other than the deposit, but there is the cost of the interest which is not cheap.

However, it doesn’t stop there. If you have your own van you have to tax and insure it – again not cheap. You also have to service it in order to keep it running properly. Then there is depreciation, which a lot of businesses do not take into consideration but is an important aspect. So, there are a lot of overheads which you don’t have if you hire a van in Manchester.

How often do you have to make deliveries? Some have to do so daily, but others work on a seasonal basis. If your business is like that, then for some of the time your van is sitting in your yard doing nothing.

Certainly, you need to do the sums, but it is very often less expensive to hire from us, as and when you need, rather than buy your own. We tax and insure the van, service it, and also replace regularly with the latest up-to-date versions.

Hiring a van from us is certainly worthy of consideration. Make an appointment to pop over to Rotherham and talk to us and let’s work out the best for your particular situation.

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