If you are in the process of clearing some land for a construction project you may well be considering the use of large skips in order to get rid of all the waste generated. At T G Commercials Self Drive we have skips available from the smallest 2-yard mini skips to the very largest.
However, if you have a large quantity of waste to remove, even the largest skip might not be the best plan. If you are going to put the skip on land other than your own you will need a permit to start with, and you may have to have many skips delivered and collected, one after the other.
In these situations, it may be far better to use a HIAB, also known as a brick grab or grab lorry in Leeds. (HIAB is simply a brand name). This is basically a lorry with a crane on top that can be used to grab large amounts of material and load the lorry with it. Then you simply drive the lorry away to wherever the rubble is going to be tipped.
Several Advantages
This has several advantages. First, you don’t need a council permit. Second, you can get much more waste on to the lorry in one go. So, you are not forever running back and forth to the skip with barrow loads of waste. Third, the arm extension on the crane means that you can reach over walls, fences, and so on. That means that again you save running back and forth to the skip through a narrow gateway, for example.
Another major use for a grab lorry in Leeds is actually delivering materials in the first place. So, for example, you can deliver brick pallets to the site exactly where they are needed by the bricklayers. So, the same thing is true, but in reverse. You don’t have workers running back and forth to the pallet to deliver a barrow load at a time to the construction point. Not only can it be very frustrating, but it is also very hard work.
Following on from that, it can also reduce accidents on site. Workers who get tired from physical exhaustion can make mistakes, trip over, break a leg or arm, and so on. A grab lorry does away with all that. We also have grab lorries in a range of different sizes, so you can get one that is a perfect fit for the job at hand.